Spot On
Spot On is a term from the U.K. that means absolutely correct or exactly what is needed and offers two channels * Inspirations - Topics of spiritual nature including the Generations podcast series. * Creative Christians- A podcast about Creative people who happen to be Christians.

God can use every pain to his glory and to help others.  South African journalist Charlene Smith talks with Hosts Bridgette  about South Africa, her work as a journalist working with Nelson Mandela, and many other influential people of South Africa.   Charlene discusses how she was able to take one of the most  difficult experience in her life— a rape and a stabbing and use it for good, making a difference for women world wide.

"What happened to me helped to create miracles. "

"Pain allows us to access power and strength that we did not know we had in us, until something bad happens to us and we have to fight to live the lives we deserve, and that is when we become remarkable. "

The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

  • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
  • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the website.
  • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
  • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0125_Generations-Miracles_Through_Pain.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CDT